SAN VALENTINO One Man Stood for Love
There weren't enough soldiers in Rome, and single men were thought to make better soldiers, so the emperor outlawed engagements and weddings. But one man, Valentine of Terni, laid his life upon the line, and secretly married young couples. Thrown in prison and sentenced to be beheaded, he met the jailer's daughter Julia. He taught her much in a brief time; her blindness was miraculously cured. With ink from crushed violets he left for her on the eve of his death a note he signed, "FROM YOUR VALENTINE." At his grave Julia planted a pink-blossomed almond tree.
Saint Valentine's bones rest in the Church of Praxedes in Rome. His feast day is February 14, the day birds begin to mate. All over the world countless notes of affection and devotion are exchanged in his name, including this one, from us to you.
A few of our offerings on this special day:
BUBBLES & CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES Nine Exotic Truffles & Half Bottle Dumangin Brut Rose $130 Four Exotic Truffles & Two Glasses Jean Charles Boisset Sparkling Rose $60
Navigate a sensual round-the-world itinerary via bubbles and soft candlelight with Vosges' nonpareil truffle creations. A matchmaking romp through the flavors of flowers, roots, herbs and spices against the backdrop of exquisite dark chocolate from the ends of the earth – and fine pink champagne. STRAWBERRIES & SPARKLING Berries with Bottle Montand Ice Edition Demi-sec from Jura With Créme Fraiche $42
The blushing pride of these parts this time of year, in their naked glory, with the perfect sparkling company, elevating the experience to a rare treat even for king and queen.